VIA: As a parent that has a stepson, I have had many people ask me questions regarding raising a child that I did not help bring into this world. They are usually single people dating someone or thinking about dating someone who already has a child. They ask me questions that are all over […]

VIA: Note: The views and opinions expressed herein may not be logical and/or follow any sound reasoning whatsoever. I want to attempt to help the ladies understand how most men view relationships. There are, of course, always exceptions, but ladies, understanding what I’m about to say could make your life drastically easier in the […]

VIA: Over the years I have had many women take me into their confidence regarding their marital woes. Before that, as a child, who spent a great deal of time with her mother and consequently her mother’s friends, I have heard an earful about the multiplicity of male shortcomings, particularly the failures of husbands. […]

VIA: In the Book of Genesis there is an interesting contrast between the selection of Rebekah as Isaac’s wife (chap. 24) and Jacob’s choice of Rachel, rather than Leah (chap. 29). Abraham sent his oldest and most trusted servant to select a wife for Isaac, within the guidelines he laid down (24:2-4). The test […]

VIA: You are out and a certain gentleman catches your eye.  You are independent so you approach him with the intent of pursuing him.  Is that okay? We do live in times that are culturally, very different from 50 years ago — heck, from 20 years ago. In a time when feminism and womanism […]

While browsing YouTube the other day, I noticed an interesting ad, placed below a video entitled, “Single black women find the search for love is especially difficult.”

Special Guests: Antoine & Pam Lee Hosts: Tiffany Bacon, Marcos and Amarillis Mercado Relationships (Hour 1 of 2) Relationships (Hour 2 of 2) Original Air Date: Jan. 2, 2010 Re-Air Date: February 6, 2010

  Bishop L. Spenser Smith, author of Getting Ready for Love discusses how to recover from disappointment in relationships.

This week Bishop L. Spenser Smith discusses abuse in relationships:

Editorial Note: This article was first published on the site last winter.  We thought it was a good one so we decided to re-post it. Last week I talked about how interracial dating can go wrong by citing a certain website that is designed exclusively for those desiring only interracial relationships.

    This week we discuss that loving someone means accepting that ALL of their experiences have made them who they are. Take a listen! Relationship Talk with Bishop L. Spenser Smith on Wednesday at 3 on Praise 100.9!

    This week we talk about establishing trust within a relationship. Take a listen!  Bishop L. Spenser Smith weekly on Wednesdays at 3PM EST on Praise 100.9