VIA News92FM Is there a science behind attraction? An online dating site is testing DNA to make matches. is partnering with Instant Chemistry, a service that tests DNA for “biological compatibility.” Relationship expert Melanie Mills says there may be some truth to it. Read full story on

We all want to think positive. No one wants to be that person that people run away from. We all want to love lives that…

Is there really a “right” way to have an argument? “Massive, all-out fights are bad for you,” says Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist. “On the other…

What Do We Really Want From Relationships? Come On Now Be Honest… Hit Us Up At Facebook.Com/Oldschool1053


Judge Lauren Lake from “Paternity Court” sees all kinds of dysfunctional relationships in her court room. She says a huge part of the problem is…


Jamie Grace gets asked about her love life a lot and today she’s filling “The James Fortune Show” in on the details. Listen to the audio…

Lonnie gives advice on the one thing to avoid in order to have success in the beginning of a relationship.

VIA Old School 100.3 As far back as ancient times with cave men and women, women have played the role of housewives in their marriages,…

VIA New Growth Hair Magazine By Dr. Luv If you talk to Ebony’s girlfriends, they will tell you that she has it all. She is…

By Dr. Dip At a recent Wednesday Salsa Social, when we were taking a break from dancing, the conversation turned to dating troubles. Two of…

The New York Times posted an article confirming my assessment that Generation Y, also known as “Millennials” are a bunch of confused, socially inept tech junkies who lack basic communication skills and pretty much suck at dating. Unfortunately “the hook up culture” has destroyed courting leaving a trail of emotionally broken women fighting for scraps […]