In this edition of the Ericaism, Erica Campbell talks about the dangers of participating in gossip. Not only does the bible specifically state that gossiping should not be engaged in, as Erica reads in passages from Proverbs, but it’s also just messy. It’s easy to get sucked into a messy web of gossip and drama […]

MO | Moment: Life not Death Change your words, you change your life. God has told us in Proverbs 18:21 that the tongue has the power to speak life and death in our lives. How many times have we found ourselves complaining to friends or family about how frustrated we are in a particular situation […]

Proverbs 19:20 – Listen to advice and accept what you are taught. In the end you will be wise. Friendship, REAL friendship, will not be all fun and laughs, but will also bring times where challenging discussions and pain will take place. And, if you are coming from a loving place, with pure motives and a self-less attitude (not about you and your feelings on something) then your words should be received well.