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MO | Moment: Life not Death

Change your words, you change your life. God has told us in Proverbs 18:21 that the tongue has the power to speak life and death in our lives. How many times have we found ourselves complaining to friends or family about how frustrated we are in a particular situation and how we wish something would happen? But, have we ever once stopped and thought about what we have been or haven’t been speaking towards it directly? Meaning, we want a change in our situation, but instead of saying, “I celebrate my breakthrough in advance.” We continue to say, “I am so depressed about where I am.” Or, “I don’t know how much more I can endure.” Maybe, just maybe God is saying, “My child stop feeding your situation with negative words and thinking and start using my promises found in my word to speak LIFE to your heart, mind and spirit.”

There is hope. There is peace. There is a promise for a better tomorrow. Yes, right now is dark, low, depressing and seems to be unending. But, if God allowed you to open your eyes to see another day than there is hope; there is a future; there is another opportunity to experience ALL that God still has for you. He didn’t create you to be lonely, sad, just getting by. He created you so you can have life and have it more abundantly. Do you believe it? Do you take God at His word? If so, act like it. Speak it.

I am guilty of giving more life/energy to my situation and less to God’s promise. We must fast from speaking death to our life starting right now. Did you get that? Negative words and thoughts are death. But, we are alive. We are breathing. So, actually we are contradicting what we are when we say and think negatively. This is not about faking it, or being in denial of where you are. This is about putting God to the test. Start by saying, “This is the day that the LORD has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!” And, mean it. Now the adversary will test you with negative people, your arch nemesis, traffic, a bad report, illness, financial woes, etc. But, don’t get discouraged. Rather get encouraged because that means you are on the right path and the adversary is trying to stop you before you get your breakthrough.

Your yesterday was not your final call. So, speak life in your situations today. Trust and know God has greater plans of joy, peace and abundance in store for you.

Walk in faith; live in love,

Mo Wood