VIA ELEV8 People who get less than six hours sleep per night have an increased risk of dying prematurely, researchers said. Those who slumbered for less than that amount of time were 12 percent more likely to die early, though researchers also found a link between sleeping more than nine hours and premature death. “If […]

It's been many years since I had to prepare lunches for schoolchildren. But I did do it for more than a decade, and mostly on a budget. With hot lunches at many schools being costly or of poor nutritional value, it is certainly wiser and healthier to pack your own.

Doctor's have given chocolate lovers a reason to celebrate with their findings in a recent heart-health study.

Living a <strong>fast-paced life</strong> can cost your heart in the future, but what are some steps that you can take to improve your <strong>heart health</strong> right now?

VIA: Diabetes does not discriminate. It doesn’t care whether you’re famous or not, if your body frame is small, medium or large, or whether you’re female or male. Diabetes affects millions of individuals all over the world. The statistics for African-Americans developing diabetes are alarming. African-Americans are 1.8 times more likely to develop diabetes […]

With the warmer weather of spring, you need to change your skin care. Here are nine ways to rejuvenate your face and body and revamp your regimen from <a href=""><strong><em></em></strong></a>

First Lady Michelle has announced a nationwide program called “Let’s Move,” which will address the problem of childhood obesity.

A lot of times when we have a head ache, or heart burn we just brush it off as the norm; but what about that one time that it is not the norm? We should always pay attention to the warning signs. Here is a list of the seven warning signs you should never ignore.

Just because you don’t have the money to purchase a pricey gym membership doesn’t mean you can’t get the 60 minutes of daily activity recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Exercise can be done just as easily at home, for less money and without the stress of trying to get to the […]

VIA ELEV8 If you’re looking for a scapegoat in the obesity epidemic, look no further than soda. It’s the single greatest caloric source in the world, accounting for somewhere between 11 and 19 percent of all the calories consumed worldwide. It’s cheap, addictive, and readily available, which generally means that it will take some willpower […]

VIA: Every year, the United States recognizes March 10th as National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. It’s a nationwide initiative to raise awareness about the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women & girls and encourages ladies to take action. While progress has definitely been made in the areas of AIDS prevention and treatment, […]

VIA: We have all heard that African Americans are prone to diabetes, and as First Lady Michelle Obama leads a national movement to fight childhood obesity, New York registered dietitian Constance Brown-Riggs has made it her mission for 25 years to address diabetes in the Black community. She tells ESSENCE.COM about some of the […]