
Minister Louis Farrakhan is trying to wake the community up. You may not like his point of view on everything. You may not enjoy his delivery, but he is standing up for what he believes the community needs to address. Watch the video: Farrakhan has been reaching out to different influencers in the Black […]


Rev. Jesse Jackson’s mother, Helen Burns Jackson, passed away Monday. Since the news of her death, Jackson and his family have received an outpouring of…


According to reports, President Obama has received enough votes to move forward with his Iran nuclear deal.

PR — New Orleans, LA – There are reports floating around New Orleans that Bey and Jay Z are about to become New Orleans residents.…


Everyone knows that asking an older woman about her age is something you should avoid, but yesterday a young girl had the courage to ask…

Beck Responds To Kanye Even Beck agrees Beyonce should have won album of the year at the 2015 Grammys. Beck, who also took home “Best…