While Trump has praised him for his accomplishments on jobs, tax cuts, infrastructure, and school funding, he has been targeted by Black activists for his record on voting rights protections, education for students of color, and his position on the death penalty.

Roof attended Tuesday's hearing sitting "impassively" in front of the victims' families, journalists and spectators, the Times reports. He faces 33 counts, including hate crimes.


Out of the 33 federal charges against Roof, the accusation that he violated the prayer group's right to freely practice religion will weigh heavy when considering the death penalty.

Dylann Roof has been charged with 33 federal hate crime and firearms charges for the shooting. The case is expected to go to trial July 11.

The Supreme Court has unveiled more troubling events behind the decision to keep African-American jurors off a 1987 case against a Black man who was…


President Barack Obama and Russian leader Vladimir Putin haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, but Monday they will come face-to-face to lay lingering issues between their countries on the…


Pope Francis tackled issues of racial and social injustice, and abolishment of the death penalty, among other things.

Parts of Baltimore have been in despair for decades, however this week’s riots may have set the area back. Yesterday, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly shared…


Though the state of Oklahoma’s executions are under currently review by the Supreme Court (and Attorney General Eric Holder advocates a moratorium on all state-murders while…


On Friday, Anthony Ray Hinton walked out of prison a free man after spending 30 years on death row for a crime he did not…


The state of Utah just reinstated execution by firing squads by way of a bill signed Monday, CNN reports. Gov. Gary R. Herbert, who signed…

With the scheduled execution of Troy Davis in Atlanta, Georgia today, the controversy surrounding the execution is what has the whole world up in arms. Many claim that Davis is innocent due to numerous witnesses who initially claimed Davis was the murderer, now recanting their stories. Below are other examples of executions that many in […]