Via Source: You were recently married and you learned that your new spouse was uncomfortable with your friendship of 15 years.  Your friend is very attractive and is of the opposite sex!  What would you do? Listen to what the listeners’ had to say!

While driving home the other day from dropping the kids off at school, I threw on my iPod to enjoy a much-needed break from the radio and the 20 questions from the kids.  I turned to my “Love Songs” playlist, which is packed with nearly 200 classic love songs from “Adore” by Prince to “Heaven Help […]

Via Source: It’s a “Whatcha Think Thursday!”  If you have a personal situation and you want some advice, call me at 1-877-955-7644. A caller is having issues with his wife… She’s cheating on him and kicked him out of the family home!  Listen to the full story and the advice given to him now!

Via Source: A single black female is experiencing interracial dating for the first time, but is worried about what the “brothas” are going to think about it!  Listen to Lonnie’s advice to her.

Via Source: A virgin woman is adamant about NOT having sex until marriage!  However, what should she do when she is dating  or engaging in a relationship with a man who WANTS to have sex with her?   Listen now to Lonnie’s advice!

Via Source: What makes a man go silent?  The topic was so good, we had to do it again! Listen to Bishop David G. Evans as he explains why men go silent on their women! (Part 4)

Via Source: What makes a man go silent?  The topic was so good, we had to do it again! Listen to Bishop David G. Evans as he explains why men go silent on their women!  (Part 3)

Via Source: What makes a man go silent?  The topic was so good, we had to do it again! Listen to Bishop David G. Evans as he explains why men go silent on their women!

Via Source: What makes a man go silent?  The topic was so good, we had to do it again! Listen to Bishop David G. Evans as he explains why men go silent on their women!

Casting is now open for “Southern Blend: A Dating Experiment”, a documentary video project and dialogue series supported by Crossroads Charlotte. Carolina Love? “Southern Blend” producer Rod Garvin says “the film will focus on a reality-style social experiment in which people will date outside their race or ethnicity for the first time, or step over […]

VIA: Dr. Alveda Celeste American Christian minister, conservative, pro-life activist, and author and  niece of the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke out about MTV’s show “16 and Pregnant” I ached for Markai,” stated Dr. Alveda King.  “Before one of my abortions, Planned Parenthood told me that my baby was ‘just a […]

In my usual Facebook prowl for website content, I happened upon this post from a Facebook friend. It seemed interesting; so, I clicked the link and began reading. I was pleasantly surprised at what I read. The article is by Richelle Ransom, a Florida A&M graduate who was competing for a spot on Oprah’s Your […]