An Missouri appeals court overturns the conviction of an HIV positive man, accused of not disclosing his status and infecting his partner. The judges chastised the prosecutor for delaying disclosure of key evidence to the defense.

Gracing the cover of OUT magazine's OUT 100 issue as "Ally of the Year" comes as no surprise -- Obama is likely to go down in history as one of the most progressive presidents, if not the only one who has fought so tirelessly for LGBTQ rights.

Presidential hopeful Ben Carson placed another thorn in his campaign when he stated he was irritated by the comparisons between gay and civil rights, CNN reports.…

It’s rather hilarious that a bigot precedes some deeply prejudice comments he made at a holiday party with, ”We cannot win without the independents and the…

Elev8 ran across an interesting article from a theologian yesterday. Mr. Michael L. Brown wrote an essay that is making the rounds.  Take a look…