In light of the News Corporation scandal, Rupert Murdoch has been called almost every name in the book. Some have even characterized him as the devil himself. Media outlets, Fox News adversaries and liberal pundits alike have taken advantage of the media tycoon’s tumultuous fall. Certainly, the bias and somewhat racial-innuendo reporting of Murdoch’s Fox […]

Okay, I know this may be last week’s news but Tucker Carlson thinks Michael Vick should be executed. Carlson should be arrested given the likelihood of Fox News viewers to carry out violent attacks. If Michael Vick should be executed and given the same treatment that he gave the dogs, shouldn’t Peyton Manning and his […]

VIA: First Lady Michelle Obama taped an interview with Fox News’ Mike Huckabee that aired tonight in which she discussed her efforts to battle child obesity, an grave problem she believes “we can really fix.” Huckabee has been a strong supporter of the First Lady’s efforts, in part due to his own struggles with […]

Via: News One I don’t see his logic at all. The Republican party, Rush Limbaugh and Joe Wilson carry on the racist mentality that made slavery possible, but the progressives who elected Obama are the ones that used to be slave owners?