
From The Grio: Today President Barack Obama signs the Health care and Education Reconciliation Act on 2010 into law. No one has missed the health…

Marketing has something to teach us about ministry.

Check out this CSpan video where a caller says too many black people call in.

The Millennial Generation, those born between the mid 70s and early 2000s, are more ethnically and racially diverse than older adults, but they're less religious, according to a Pew Research survey.

Should a student religious group at a public university be allowed to bar a certain group of students from membership, such as gay students, without losing its official student-group status, and the funding and other benefits that go with it?

Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of climate change issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet

From the Washington Post: Three generations of the Howard University community gathered Friday to remember James Edward Cheek, the longtime Howard president who envisioned a…

VIA: There is nothing worse than rocking the wrong hairstyle with an otherwise excellent fashion look. You don’t want to wear a bun with a chic rocker look or a large afro with a corporate look. To help get your mane on point teamed up with Dariel Pulliam, one of the most sought […]

This isn’t Black History Month, but today is an important day. It is the day that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and several other notable African Americans reached Montgomery, Alabama after marching for four days from Selma. The Selma-to-Montgomery March for voting rights ended three weeks–and three events–that represented the political and emotional peak of […]

VIA: Women are accustomed to receiving compliments, from the street whistler (gag!) to the random at the bar to the sincere guy we are dating. However, aside from the mouths of their mamas, men are rarely on the receiving end of a sweet sentiment from a beautiful woman. So a girl who can fire […]

VIA: What is it about Wal-Mart that breeds so much trouble? It isn’t clear whether or not the person who made the announcement was an employee or just an intrepid racist shopper who found their way to the P.A. system microphone. Either way, apart from being ignorant, this stunt sounds really juvenile. The store […]

VIA: Get rid of that muffin top with these 7 slimming exercises that works in no time.