Get Up Erica

Erica Campbell  pulls from Psalm 139:23-24 and Jeremiah 17:9 to reiterate the importance of asking God to show you yourself.

In today’s Ericaism, Erica Campbell encourages listeners to go out into the world and compel men to come to Christ, be a bridge and invite people to cross over in. 

If you missed Kev On Stage on the show today, here's what you missed!

We checked in with our friend Pastor William Murphy and he brought some new music with him, called "Same Grace." 

There is power in the blood of Jesus and everything we have truly belongs to Him. Will you surrender? 

The worldwide quarantine has women’s hands and feet looking like their man’s. GRIFF’s got a prayer for that…

Our good friend Isaac Carree stopped by the Get Up Church to check in and talk about his new album, No Risk No Reward.

April 1 is April Fool’s Day and GRIFF’s ready to get his prank on!

Dr. Katina Kennedy stops by the Get Up Church to give us six tips on how to boost our immune system during the coronavirus pandemic. 

GRIFF's got a word for all the male nurses out here... 

While the world is in quarantine, we are checking in on our friends. Let us know if you or someone you know would like Erica and Griff to check in on you using the form below!