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Dear God: Please remove all lies, deceit and subterfuge from our lives. Order our steps that we may live in truth.

What lies do we tell ourselves?

While many of us spend time deciphering whether or not we should trust someone, can we trust what we believe?

Many of our beliefs are based on things which we have been taught in speech or deed.

Have we taken the time to examine our beliefs, values and morals to see if they match up with the truth?

As a child, I was led to believe that not many people called upon God by his name.

It caused me to treat others as if they were not walking in “real” relationship with God.

Imagine my surprise when I learned that what I had been taught was far from true.

What lies are we holding on to? How have they affected our success?

What blessings have we missed out on in exchange for the comfort of the familiar?

What lies have we passed onto our children in our brokenness?

My mother told me that I would never amount to anything without her.

I believed her lie and sabotaged any chance for success until her death.

It took a while for me to realize that I only felt free to succeed when she was gone.

I’m sure she had no idea the affect those words had on me.

Was she intentionally malicious? Nope.

She was comfortable with that being HER truth.

Lies serve only one purpose: to detract from absolute truth.

What truths are we avoiding while holding on to the comfort of one lie or another?

Although the Bible says the truth will set us free, truth is not always easy to face.

Especially those “ugly truths.”

We all have those moments in our lives that we’d rather forget.

We all have some character flaw that seems to hang on no matter how hard we try.

And we all have those moments when we are reminded just how hard change is.

No matter how many people refer to me as a mentor or say encouraging words to me – from time to time I still struggle.

Because for more than half of my life I bought into a lie.

But, when confronted with those moments will we be honest with ourselves or will we lie?

Will we tell ourselves that we failed?

Or will we believe the truth of God’s Word that there is sufficient grace for each day?

When faced with the choice of seeing ourselves as God see us – whole and worthy today, what will we believe?

What lies have we held onto that threaten to detract us from the truth of whom God has called us to be?

Every person who said you are not good enough – lied.

Every person who said you will never amount to anything – lied.

Every person who said you were not smart enough – lied.

Every person who said you were not worthy of love – lied.

Even if the liar is you.



Be inspired and read: Timing Is Everything

Don’t miss

Editor’s note on author:

 @thatwritingchic is the Author of “Dear God: Passionate Prayers in 140 Characters or Less” available for purchase on Amazon and Kindle.  To learn more about the author, follow her on Twitter, visit the website, or join the Dear God community on Facebook.

What Lies Do We Tell Ourselves?  was originally published on