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7. All polling locations should be wheelchair accessible and offer parking for persons with disabilities.

8. If you cannot read, write or speak English or you are blind or otherwise physically disabled, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RECEIVE HELP WITH VOTING by a person of your choice except the judge of elections, the voter’s employer or an agent of the employer or an officer or agent of the voter’s union.

9. If you have been convicted of a felony and have completed your sentence of incarceration or parole or if you are on probation, CHECK YOUR STATE’S RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS. If your rights are restored you must re-register once your rights have been restored.

10. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE without anyone electioneering or trying to influence your vote in any other way within a certain distance of the entrance of your polling place, or polling room.

11. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO be excused from work to vote. Your employer must excuse you from work for up to 2 hours on Election Day if you do not have time to vote before or after work.

For detailed information or answers to questions regarding your right to vote, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE or visit




Voting 101: You Have The Right To Vote  was originally published on

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