Muhammad Ali's son and his ex-wife, Khalilah Camacho-Ali headed to Washington, D.C. Thursday for a forum with lawmakers and discussed ending racial profiling and President Donald Trump's muslim ban.


The former North Charleston, South Carolina, police officer who was charged with the murder of Walter Scott—a 50-year-old Black man who was fatally shot during a traffic stop—has asked that the state court move his murder trial out of Charleston.


A local North Carolina GOP office was firebombed and destroyed on Sunday.


“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery,” the officer says. “The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose,” the officer continues.

Supreme Court justice Manuel Mendez says Macy's abused a state law statue that allows retailers to temporarily detain and fine said persons. The state law was created to prevent teens who were detained for allegedly shoplifting from racking up criminal records.

In a racially charged year, differences are on high level Amber alert. We can't escape the dialogue. 'Zootopia' sweetly reminds us that we shouldn't.

Six men and a woman were accused of producing and distributing nearly 10,800 “2 Ride” passes in violation of policy for Tulsa City Transit. The workers, however, were simply doing as they were told by supervisors, their lawyer says.

Ben Carson dismissed the fact that Black men and women are being disproportionately targeted by police, saying he needed more "evidence" that profiling exists in law enforcement.

Roker's experience is not unique -- cabs passing Black men and women is a decades-long problem that has both been addressed through the lens of racial profiling and comedic fodder.


A Vice President is accused of burglary outside of her own home.


Since the release of the footage, an online petition has been created to remove Bland from her position at the university. The petition claims Bland brought negative attention to the school. So far, it has gained half of its required signatures.

A Black female banker is coming forward after she was forced to spend over a week in a psychiatric ward — all because police officers…