Unconditional love becomes possible when you practice cultivating these four states of mind.

Bishop L. Spenser Smith gets you ready for love every Wednesday at 3:10PM.  Today he shares some springtime tips for the men. Take a listen!

You would think ten minutes out of my day would not be asking too much to say a quick hello and I love you? Well what’s your story further more what’s your excuse as to why you don’t reach out more often than you do?

Each year thousands of people get married, but according to the statistics, many of them are divorced within 2 years. Rhonda and Kevin Riley decided to share their marital ups and downs, resources and offer biblical perspectives on marriage on a newly launched blog.

VIA: www.elev8.com When  it comes to relationships, it seems like a battle or a war is taking place between men and women. Each gender has very diverse ideas in regards to what a relationship should look like, let alone be like.  The battle of the sexes is the consummate struggle of  men and women trying […]

VIA: http://www.bible.org In the Book of Genesis there is an interesting contrast between the selection of Rebekah as Isaac’s wife (chap. 24) and Jacob’s choice of Rachel, rather than Leah (chap. 29). Abraham sent his oldest and most trusted servant to select a wife for Isaac, within the guidelines he laid down (24:2-4). The test […]

Valentine’s day is more than just giving flowers, jewelry and candy to someone.