
Read how one man's self-destructive lifestyle helped him find God.

A look back at Holy Week with celebrations from around the world.

VIA CNN Princeton, New Jersey — All around the world last weekend, Christians celebrated Easter. For them, this holiest of days announced that death does not have the final word and that eternal life awaits those who would just believe. Sunday also marked the anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s death. Forty-two years […]

When he needs a little inspiration in the mornings, President Obama revealed that all he has to do is read the daily prayer emailed to him from pastors around America. 'It's a wonderful thing,' the president said of his hi-tech devotionals.

You would think ten minutes out of my day would not be asking too much to say a quick hello and I love you? Well what’s your story further more what’s your excuse as to why you don’t reach out more often than you do?

The Denzel Principle is a humorous look at the age old complaint of the inability for African American women to find a “good man”.

While browsing YouTube the other day, I noticed an interesting ad, placed below a video entitled, “Single black women find the search for love is especially difficult.”

Valentine’s day is more than just giving flowers, jewelry and candy to someone.

Editorial Note: This article was first published on the site last winter.  We thought it was a good one so we decided to re-post it. Last week I talked about how interracial dating can go wrong by citing a certain website that is designed exclusively for those desiring only interracial relationships.