About Praise 100.9

VIA New Growth Hair During the past decade, large numbers of African-American women have walked away from harsh chemicals and returned their hair to its…

One of gospel music’s beloved talents Donnie McClurkin continues to make his mark in the industry. The 45th Annual GMA Dove Award winners were recently…

Despite all the coverage about the Ebola virus, the Immunization Partnership has come up with five things that are scarier than the virus, and influezna…

Here’s some good news you probably won’t read a lot about: Black and Latino students have cut their dropout rates by more than half over…

Alexandra Shipp is facing her fears head on. Several obstacles almost prevented the movie from ever being made. Disney star Zendaya Coleman, the original actress…

By Tanya Wilson Think about the times that you received a simple “thank you!” Perhaps you went out of your way to help someone, gave a gift; or any number of things for which you received a heartfelt “thank you.” You didn’t do what you did for the purpose of the “thank you” or even […]

TBR — It appears that someone else is now questioning the citizenship of President Barack Obama. That’s the story following Larry Klayman, the founder of…

As much as I can empathize, I will never know what it’s like to be a woman subjected to the uninvited, and in many cases, menacing attention…

Plaid technically never went out of style but it’s back in a big way for the Fall 2014 season. The iconic pattern, traditionally associated with…

The family of the Bay Area girl declared brain dead last year after surgery wants a judge to declare her “not dead,” but a PR…

Work-life balance has become one of the most important issues surrounding employee satisfaction. With advances in technology, many employers and employees are recognizing the need…

Ciara has more than gotten her figure back after delivering her adorable son Future earlier this year! The “Body Party” siren showed everyone with a…