About Praise 100.9

The Christian Music Hall of Fame has announced their inductees into the Hall of Fame for 2011. This year’s inductions include a very mixed group of individuals and bands which cover a wide range of Christian music.

In one of the most interesting “What the hayell” moments in recent memory, the NAACP Detroit branch has announced that they plan to give singer Kid Rock an award at their annual Great Expectations Dinner, which typically draws 10,000 participants.  The dinner is going to be held on May 1, and if recent protests are […]

March honors and celebrates the many beautiful women all over the world who are doing amazing things 365 days a year! Women make the world go ’round.  We are Fabulous! We are Phenomenal!

Here are some eye exercises.  Ever thought about Yoga for the eyes?  The eyes are the windows to your soul.  The eyes provide the sense of sight.  The eyes need to be stretched for your sensual healing.  Most of us do not exercise our eye muscles at all, but yet, we work them all the […]

A prayer for financial security is something each of us  need to say from time to time. As we head to the end of another quarter with the raising of oil prices doubts of job security creep in.  We must trust that we are not the worth of our financial gain. Sometimes we are called […]

When in trouble or in need of a distinctive voice or support, celebrities and individuals who are unjustly wronged call on the Rev. Al Sharpton. The preacher, activist, and radio host( just a few of his titles ) recently shared his daily routine, new fitness regimen, his inspiration and more with the New York Times.

In this installment of Saving Your Live with Dr. Elisa, the wise doctor discusses Obesity.  She also gives us tips on how to control our weight and ideas to control our portions. To see more of Dr. Elisa, click below: The Truth About Depression And How We Can Cure It-[VIDEO] 10 Tips To Fight The […]

We’re hearing more stories about people of all ages being diagnosed with an array of conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and even having heart attacks and strokes.  In the past, we’ve associated these conditions and diseases with older people however times have changed.

News outlets across the country reported the disturbing information about tennis champion Serena Williams being  rushed to the hospital for an emergency treatment.  We discovered the reason was Williams has Pulmonary Embolism. How is this possible?

Recently, I attended a launch party in NYC for Mo Brown’s new production company, Suga Productions. At the event she premiered the video for new Gospel artist, Terri Cann.   Also premiering, was a video that featured Mo Brown showcasing her multi-talented capabilities. Check out this episode of “What’s Up With Downes” it follows Host, Robin […]

Today Mardi Gras  carnivals are major events. Thousands of people participate and millions more watch it on TV. In New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro, they are major tourist attractions.