Ammon Bundy‘s armed takeover of an Oregon government facility is still ongoing, although trying to determine if the group will face heavier interest from federal authorities remains to be seen. Earlier on Wednesday, Twitter reacted at the news that the son of controversial rancher Cliven Bundy carelessly compared himself to Rosa Parks. In the wee […]

Creating the tags #YallQaeda, #WhiteSIS and #VanillaISIS, Twitter users were able to comically expose the stark difference between how America responds to White men with guns versus unarmed Black people.

The armed group of militia men associated with controversial Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy, are days into their occupation of a federal government building in Burns, Ore. Some members of this group have come forward to say they’re largely being treated worse than members of the Black Lives Matter movement. While at the Malheur National Wildlife […]


For militia leader Ammon Bundy, the goal of the armed occupation is to force the government's hand in turning over federal land to ranchers and miners.