
via source: Star Connor/Ophelia C. Productions President Obama made his first speech for the year 2012, in Mt. Holly North Carolina on yesterday. The President calls for more energy production of natural gas and an increase in alternative fuel vehicles on the nation’s roadways. Freightliner trucking company-Daimler Trucks, is known for making trucks with alternative […]

via source: Star Connor/Ophelia C. Productions Following a weekend of fun filled CIAA events the Yolanda Adams Morning Show, broadcast live in the Praise studio this morning. Check out the Photos….

The Oscars is a star-studded event each year, but this year was particularly special because of The Help. While the movie received some criticism from many blacks because of Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer’s portrayal as maids, there was still hope that both would walk away with Oscars. Spencer did win, but Davis walked away […]