
Have you ever tried to discipline yourself?

Kenya Moore‘s daughter Brooklyn Daly is growing so fast! The little star-in-the-making’s former Miss USA mommy created an Instagram account for her and we can’t get enough of her adorable photos!

Blue Ivy is an icon and you will address her as such. Since her birth in a manger on this day seven years ago, she’s become a fashionable, opinionated extension of our inner bougie selves. And because of this, she’s a permanent mood. We celebrate this young queen on her birthday and forever.  

Donald Lawrence fans get ready because he’s sharing some wisdom that will heal the hole in your soul.

It appears Kierra Sheard is kicking off 2019 with new videos to fan favorites from Graceland. 

Bishop T.D. Jakes rebuked a spirit of suicide from fellow Pastor John Gray on Saturday, days after Gray revealed he had thoughts of suicide. “I literally thought about how I could end my life and still get to Heaven and somehow my kids would not be scarred but there was no way I could figure out how […]

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Cyntoia Brown is getting out of jail. Tennessee’s Governor Bill Haslam ordered an early release for Brown, an alleged sex trafficking victim serving a life sentence for killing a man when she was 16 back in 2004. Brown will be eligible for release on August 7th and will stay on parole for 10 years. She […]

Mama Tina Knowles Lawson turned 65 today and like wine, she gets finer with time. We celebrate the glam ma on her birthday with a gallery of fabulous photos.