About Praise 100.9

The Walt Disney Company announced today it is partnering with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) through a $1 million commitment to provide scholarships and…

For many Black children born in the 1980s, Ben Carson is a hero. He is, as BuzzFeed’s Joel Anderson describes in a well-done profile about…

Seniors gearing up for graduation at Howard University can breathe a little easier now; the Mecca is implementing a new practice that will surely lower…

During a Thursday press conference, Michael Brown‘s family attorneys announced they will file a civil lawsuit against the city of Ferguson following the Justice Department’s…

Days before the nation acknowledges the 50 years that have passed since peaceful civil rights demonstrators were brutality beaten on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, a new…

Today I celebrate the life of a phenomenal woman. My late wife Dr. MaLinda P. Sapp. Today would have been her 48th birthday. @marvie_marv @maddyy.gracee@kaikai_sapp…

Today I celebrate the life of a phenomenal woman. My late wife Dr. MaLinda P. Sapp. Today would have been her 48th birthday. @marvie_marv @maddyy.gracee@kaikai_sapp…

Season 4 (WE TV, 10pm) Can the Ladies of Mary Mary overcome the devastation of last season? On the Season 4 premiere of Mary Mary,…

“Teach Your Daughters to Fly” (PRWEB) Corletta Vaughn is a Christian counselor and pastor as well as the author of the upcoming Teach Your Daughters…

Just one day after the New York Times reported the Department of Justice was set to fault the Ferguson, Mo. police department for making racially biased traffic…

PR — Chicago, IL – Unity Media LTD., the producers of the Allstate Gospel Superfest will return to the city of Chicago for its 16th…

UPDATED Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 3:21 p.m. EST –  Michael Brown, Jr.‘s parents Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown, Sr. had the following to say in…