About Erica Campbell

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell sets a new bar for syndicated morning programming. From the range of music styles to powerful interviews; and from the lively features to the fresh approach on news and listener engagement, award-winning gospel music singer and reality TV star, Erica Campbell creates a high-energy experience for listeners to start every day in FAITH, with LOVE and having JOY. Both the comedic genius and news savvy of Erica’s co-hosts allow for a fun twist on the serious issues impacting the lives of listeners.
With nearly two decades in the music industry, Erica Campbell has repeatedly topped Billboard charts and won every music award possible as a member of the dynamic duo, Mary Mary and as a solo artist. A devoted wife and mother of three, Erica shares her life with the world on her televised reality show, Mary Mary. No stranger to the public eye, the social media maven has over 2 million followers she personally engages daily with inspiration and pure fun.

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell is the next natural progression of her career to extend her audience and share the life, music, and inspiration that makes her – ERICA.

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Erica speaks about Jane Elliot, who is an anti-racism activist and has been since the death of Martin Luther Kings Jr. Some of Elliots thoughts are that we hate because we are taught to hate. She said, “We are all apart of one race and that’s the human race.” Bigots aren’t born they are taught […]

Erica Campbell gives us some inspiration during ‘Love Talk.’ She talks about how God gave you everything you need, but are you using it to it’s abilities? He gets you through trials, tribulations, but you have to be able to speak it and believe it. Listen to “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell” 6-10am EST. […]

GRIFF’s PRAYER today focused on bringing people back like the man dressed as the Statue of Liberty or Uncle Sam dancing. GRIFF felt that this would create happiness and joy to every corner if we saw them again. Listen to “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell” live weekdays from 6-10am EST. RELATED: GRIFF’s Prayer For Bugs […]

GRIFF prays about the bugs that don’t get to live. Roaches, mosquitos and flies have to be killed, but ladybugs and caterpillars he’ll let live. Hear GRIFF’s Prayer live weekdays 6-10 am EST on ”Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell.” RELATED: GRIFF’s Prayer: For A Different Kind Of Police [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO] RELATED: Deborah Joy Winans Addresses Concerns That “Greenleaf” […]

Erica talked about how grandparents treat their grandchildren so different than their own kids on “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell.” Griff reveals he’s going to be a grandparent soon and how excited he is to play, teach and have fun with his future grandson. Erica also thanked all the grandparents in the world for […]

Kirk Franklin checked in on “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell” and spoke about the painful times in Baltimore, Minnesota, Baton Rouge and many others. In this exclusive interview, Franklin said, “We can’t legislate morality and that we don’t have the power to let policy transform the hearts of people.” He also mentioned that people need to have […]

Roland Martin speaks with Erica Campbell about the death of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Martin believes that certain cops don’t know how to deescalate and control certain situations.   Martin insists that what we’re dealing with is certain officers doing what they want to do because they are only penalized civilly not criminally. He […]

Pastor Darryl Meredith talks with Erica Campbell about the peaceful protests going on after the death of Alton Sterling. The 35-year-old victim was shot and killed in Baton Rouge two days ago. Meredith referred to this incident as a ongoing “disease” happening all over the world. He wants to have a workshop about guns and […]

In this Faith Walk, Erica Campbell talks about the first steps to building a relationship with Jesus Christ. Replacing old thoughts and seeking God are important elements, but you can hear her full explanation in the audio player above. Listen to “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell” live weekdays from 6-10 am EST, and click here […]

Erica Campbell shares her testimony in this Faith Walk about praying and giving her worries over to God, and how He delivered, made a way, and gave her exactly what she needed. Get more Faith Talk from Erica right here, and listen to “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell” weekdays from 6-10 am EST to […]

https://www.facebook.com/GetUpErica/videos/269620573400169/ Working at the airport can be tough, so GRIFF’s Prayer is dedicated to those who hold it down there. Watch him deliver it in the video above. Hear GRIFF’s Prayer live weekdays 6-10 am EST on “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell,” and hear past clips right here.