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historic southern city of chester south carolina

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While neighboring counties around Charlotte grapple with issues like congested roads, job shortages, and housing surpluses, Chester County experiences a different narrative.

Recent data from the US Census reveals a modest decline in Chester County’s population, losing 68 residents over the past three years, representing a -0.2% decrease.

Despite these numerical setbacks, County Administrator Brian Hester and Economic Development Director Robert Long assert that the statistics don’t capture the full picture. Industrial businesses remain a robust economic driver for the county, showing resilience and growth. While other counties prioritize job creation to avoid becoming solely residential areas, Chester County embraces its role as a residential hub.

According to WCCB, the county is witnessing a surge in residential development, with approximately 3,000 homes planned across six communities, primarily concentrated in the northeast. With a current population of around 33,000 residents, Long anticipates a significant population increase of 5,000 to 8,000 individuals within the next decade, possibly even sooner.

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