Committing to a positive life is not easy! Stylist Goo Goo Atkins is challenging YOU to follow her 5 steps to feeling the power of positivity. Join the Glow with Goo Challenge to feel, look, and live your best.

We’ve all been there… 5, 10, 15 pounds have crept on and then back off again! It’s Goo to the rescue. She gives you takeaway tips on how to avoid the stress of getting dressed when it feels like nothing fits right. From key pieces you need to stay stylish to the best fabrics and […]

Celebrity Stylist, Goo Goo Atkins is no stranger to Praise Charlotte. Sister to super duo Mary Mary, she frequently shared her spirited recaps on her sisters’ WeTV series episodes with us. Well now she has a show of her own! A WeTV Web Series, Goo Ru Style is a short-form weekly video series. On the […]