Get Up Erica

This weekend Erica Campbell had a lot to do and while picking out clothes for Easter realized she had a teenage.

Jor’Dan Armstrong’s love of music began when he was a child.

Erica Campbell is excited about this weekend and talking about the love God has for us.

Erica Campbell is hitting home today as she talks about growth.

Thomas the Apostle doubted people when they said certain things.

Erica Campbell speaks about how sometimes you need to have quiet strength.

Tim Bowman Jr. is a gospel artist and is gearing up for his second season of his show with his wife.

GRIFF during his prayer spoke about people that are pretending to be other people on social media.

Erica Campbell spoke about going to the doctor recently with her husband.

GRIFF has been trying to find different ways to exercise and thinks he wants to give yoga a try.